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Developer's DescriptionBy SoftNetfully functional slot machine gameThis software designed for the internet, it will serve to your visitors a fully functional slot machine game that needs no plug-in�?�¯�?�¿�?�½s or downloads. The game images are refreshed after the game is played through, so there is no interruption as the game is played. The software is designed specifically for the Apache http server, but will also run on any other server on remote or local systems. The features this software offers: Windows self installer program. Easy to install and is completely automated, installs just like any other windows program, no need to do any modifications or troubleshooting of the cgi programs. Guaranteed to install the first time and run right out of the box with no errors! Includes automated uninstall. Visitors do not need to download anything, runs right from your web site. No extra plug-in�?�¯�?�¿�?�½s needed. Easy to use game console. Selections are, Start game (starts existing game), Reset game (resets new game to the starting dollar amount), Casino on/off (turns background sound on and off). Visitors game is stored in a small 1 Kb file on the server, every time the visitor comes back to play the game it automatically recognizes the visitors machine and he or she has the option of continuing the existing game or resetting the game file and starting a new one. Counter that counts every time the slot machine goes through one cycle, all users are recorded on the same counter. Lighted and flashing bet and spin control buttons, lights up to show button is active and flashes to show what has been selected. Lots of flashing lights and effects along with full sound effects for spin, winning and bets just like the real thing.