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Developer's DescriptionBy Lavish SoftwareImprove your players for various RPG games.WinEQ 2 is a multi-tasking utility for Dark Ages of Camelot, EverQuest, EverQuest 2 and World of Warcraft players (and for Warcraft III enthusiasts). WinEQ 2 improves accessibility and visibility of your game, allowing you to easily see and control several game sessions simultaneously or, for example, to see the game in a tiny while browsing the Web. Lite features include forcing the game into windowed mode, session-switching hotkeys (two-way cycling and global activation), custom window titles, custom eqclient.ini and eqlsPlayerdata.ini for EQ1, and automatic CPU Affinity setting. Pro features include custom window presets (such as Full Screen Emulation and Tiny), Picture-in-Picture, window tiling, video capture, window resizing, and dual monitor support.