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Space Taxi 2

Space Taxi 2

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Editors' staffNovember 8, 2008This game proves that piloting a space-age taxicab isn't as easy as you might think. In Space Taxi 2, your goal is to earn a good day's wage by safely flying as many passengers as possible to their desired destinations while avoiding various hazards. Along the way, you can pick up bonuses such as extra fuel. We think this game presents quite a challenge in terms of controlling your cab. We crashed multiple times and crushed quite a few passengers before we managed to deliver our first fare in one piece. The graphics are fairly impressive, and if you don't like the sound effects, you can individually disable them. You also can deactivate the music and choose to play in full-screen or window modes, though the trial version disables the expert level and several of the planets. Those willing to put in the time will find that Space Taxi 2 entertains.
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