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Custom Bingo

Custom Bingo

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Developer's DescriptionBy Custom Solutions of MarylandPlay Bingo with default BINGO letters or use other English letters.Custom Bingo provides everything you need to run a Bingo party (for entertainment only). This game includes a "Flash Board" display with the default BINGO letters and all possible numbers (called numbers are displayed bolded and in a different color), a pull-down menu to select the Winning Pattern (you can also make a Winning Pattern manually), the Winning Pattern display, a display of the last called number and controls. You can choose to substitute other English letters for the default BINGO letters. Audio is supported. You can print an endless supply of Bingo sheets, each with four unique and numbered patterns. Settings for audio (on/off), calling speed, color schemes, Bingo sheet numbering, and Custom Letters are saved between sessions.
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