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Visual Tarot - Professional Edition

Visual Tarot - Professional Edition

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Developer's DescriptionBy Aleksey Lapshin SoftwareRead Tarot cards, organize your decks and spreads collections.You can use Visual Tarot as:1 a virtual fortune-telling application. 2 an organizer for your decks and spreads collections.3 a journal/diary for your readings made using physical cards .4 a tool for your specific needs.Choose from more than 1000 Tarot decks and Oracles or create your own from scanned images.Choose from 100 built-in standard Spreads or create your own Spreads in Spread Editor.You have 3 ways to deal a new spread:1 - Let the computer read for you.2 - Select each card one at a time.3 - Re-create past deals by placing the card of your choice in any position on the spread.Name and save spreads and interpretations for later recall, along with your own notes and comments.Show Report.The Show Report window displays the entire current Tarot reading - graphics and text - in a scrollable window on-screen. You can Print, Save, or Load a previously saved report.Save Spreads and Readings.Name and save spreads and interpretations for later recall complete with your own notes and comments.You can save your spreads and readings in .jpg .rtf or .html format for delivery across the web or save to your Journal/Diary (in a lightweight human readable and easily portable file format).Print Report.Use the Print Report option to send the current report to your printer. Before printing, add a name for the report and the Question or Comment for that report. These headings will be added to the printed report. Also you can Print the current Reading Layout. The top of the page includes the reading name and comment text which you can edit.
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