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Developer's DescriptionBy JC EntertainmentCreate your own nanobot in a unique online RPG.Metro Action RPG, GhostX GhostX is a unique type of RPG that is revolutionary, fast-paced and stylish compared to the traditional MMORPGs. The Nanobots in GhostX combine many separate elements of a traditional RPG into an innovative system. They combine the functions of pet, skill, job, weapon, item, and growth to allow for many new kinds of interaction. The Nanobots direct the style of combat, propel the storyline, and help you in problem solving. You can hold multiple Nanobots in your inventory for many kinds of gameplay variants. With 100 different Nanobots ranging from knife type to gun type, you will never be satisfied until you collect them all. The Truth is NOT all you can see. Log in today and experience the exotic world of Nanobots yourself. You'll be swept off your feet by the mind-blowing, one-of-a-kind, action-filled game and backstory.
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