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3D Dragon Maze

3D Dragon Maze

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Editors' staffJune 29, 2020Despite innovative extensions to the classic Pac-Man concept, 3D Dragon Maze doesn't quite fulfill its promise. Instead of a small yellow circle traversing a maze, your character is a big, puppet head that floats around a garden. Instead of avoiding colored ghosts, you have to avoid dragon heads. The idea of 3D Dragon Maze is the same as that of Pac-Man: eat until you die. You can eat the dragons after you swallow a special power pellet, but if they eat you, your character shrieks in despair. Unlike the arcade classic, this version takes advantage of the third dimension by letting you jump over them. Although graphically the game is much more modern than Pac-Man, functionality is lost in translation. Whether you're in the main menu or in the game itself, response is extremely sluggish. Gamers looking for a modern Pac-Man variation may enjoy 3D Dragon Maze.
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