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A Snake's Life

A Snake's Life

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Editors' staffJuly 15, 2015It s a dog s life? Please. Dogs have it easy. Try being a snake. As one learns from playing A Snake's Life, if you don t eat constantly, you die. So you eat everything you can: eggs, mice, birds, even aliens. It s nothing personal. You re hungry! The catch is, every time you eat, you grow another segment. You start off as a hatchling, but quickly grow so long that you start getting in your own way. And if you chow down on yourself, well, you die that way too. Fun, right? Well, in A Snake's Life, it is. Vivid graphics, charming music, and simple keyboard controls make this a great game for kids and adults. The incredibly generous 15-day trial disables some levels but still lets you play with a wide variety of backgrounds and tasty critters. Parents can expect to shell out $19.95--happily--for the full version.
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