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Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

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Developer's DescriptionBy Gearbox SoftwareExperience the epic space strategy games that redefined the RTS genre.The Homeworld games have been painstakingly re-mastered with key members of the original development team and taking critical influence and assistance from the passionate fan community. The Homeworld Remastered Collection introduces Relic's acclaimed space strategy games Homeworld and Homeworld 2 to modern players and operating systems using the newest sophisticated graphics rendering technology, plus a fully remastered score and new, high fidelity voice recordings by the original actors.As a free bonus, this collection also includes original, non-remastered versions of Homeworld Classic and Homeworld 2 Classic, preserving the purest form of the original releases with compatibility for modern operating systems. Homeworld Remastered Collection also provides access to the Homeworld Remastered Multiplayer. The competitive multiplayer modes for both Homeworld and Homeworld 2 have been combined into one centralized mode that will allow you access to content (races, maps, and game modes) and improvements, features and technology from both games, allowing you to play unlimited competitive multiplayer space battles on an epic scale.
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