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Oscar Remote  10

Oscar Remote 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy LyzardTurn you Windows Phone into a remote control for Samsung Smart TV's.Turn you Windows Phone into a remote control for Samsung Smart TV's. Connect your phone to the same local area network as you TV and the auto discovery will find all TV's on the same network. The remote control offers you the same control you have with your TV remote. Using the phones keyboard you are also able to enter text such as search or the browser address bar (Please note this may not be supported on all apps). Auto discovery uses Universal Plug and Play UPNP; if your Wi-Fi router does not support this you are still able to manually add your TV's IP Address and use the remote. Within the application you are able to pin your TV's to the start menu allowing you to directly connect to your TV. While the application offers you the ability to turn your TV off please note it is not possible to turn your TV on with this application. For feedback and feature request please send email to, if you encounter any problems with your particular TV model please send feedback with your TV Model year of manufacture and problem identified. Ver 1.1 Update Refreshed application icon and graphics Fixed manual TV IP address input where user could not select ". " and only ", " Fixed connection problem with some TV models Added 3D button to the remote control Added selectable themes for the remote control Added remote control layout selection for horizontal view or full remote view Added share app feature Added help, more information on supported TV models and basic troubleshooting Implemented favourites, you can now add TV as a favourite and quickly switch between TV's from the remote control Favourites can be pinned to start Added the ability to change name of the TV when pin to start or add to favourites.
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