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Conflict: Vietnam demo

Conflict: Vietnam demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy GatheringFight your way back from behind enemy lines in this small-squad Vietnam shooter.Conflict: Vietnam follows the progress of four US soldiers, cut off from their unit and behind enemy lines during the 1968 Tet Offensive. Tasked with fighting their way back to friendly lines, they are faced with day-to-day survival in a hostile environment where the enemy could be hiding anywhere and everywhere. They are un-concerned with the course of the war but brutally aware as to the presence of the Viet Cong and of finding any way they can to survive.Conflict: Vietnam is a third-person shooter where the player takes full control of all four squad members, utilising their different skill sets and tactical abilities to carefully out-flank enemies, neutralise targets and potential threats and make it back to friendly lines in one piece.This demo for Conflict: Vietnam lets you play the full "Rumble in the Jungle" mission from the game.
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