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Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

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Editors' staffOctober 17, 2013It helps to whistle while you work on this cute but maddeningly slow real-time strategy game. In Diggles: The Myth of Fenris, you supervise a band of industrious gnomes trying to forge a chain that can bind the aforementioned Fenris, one-time watchdog of the Norse god Odin. The gnomes generally go about their tasks on their own, but you can streamline their work, schedule their leisure time, and plan tunnels and underground halls. Gnomes that excel in their work build objects, become more efficient, and invent technologies that boost productivity. Given adequate food and sleep, they'll also couple up to produce children. The graphics and music are tastefully done, though the character models look a bit blocky by today's standards. The demo's lack of a save option is a more serious problem. The action moves at a glacially slow pace. We had to wait about 15 minutes just to build a few basic structures and dig some tunnels. Diggles would have tested anyone's patience when it was brand-new. Now that it's showing its age, we doubt most gamers will stick around long enough to mine all its treasures.
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