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Developer's DescriptionBy Card Games GalorePlay Buck Euchre, also known as Cut-throat Euchre or Dirty Clubs.Buck Euchre is a North American Euchre variation in which everyone plays for themselves. As in games of the Rams group, there is a penalty for any individual who wins no tricks. There seem to be several different versions of Buck Euchre. This game is for four players as played in Ohio, USA. A 24 card deck is used, consisting of A-K-Q-J-10-9 in each of the four standard suits. As in Euchre, the trump suit ranks differently from the others.It is a quick and fast playing game and unusual in that your start the game with 25 points then scores are taken of the 24 and the winner is the first player to reach zero. If you have never played before there is a good help file and the computer will not let you do anything you should not do.