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Developer's DescriptionBy BiteMe LabsAdd new missions to Grand Theft Auto 4.Overview:* Total of 15 missions (12 mission recreations from GTAV Online and 3 new missions created by myself).* All missions in SCO format (menu loader included in OIV), so there's no need for scripthook.* Hardest level for all missions (100% enemy accuracy, 3x fire rates + armor on all enemies - so make sure you take cover or you will die)*GTAV missions:All in the Game (Simeon)Blow Up (Simeon)Blow Up II (Simeon)Blow Up III (Simeon)Crystal Clear Out 2 (Trevor)El Burro Heists (Simeon)Gentry Does It (Simeon)Lost MC Rip (Lamar)It Takes A Thief (Simeon)Potshot (Trevor)Rockford Roll (Simeon)Rooftop Rumble (Martin)* New Missions:Saints and DevilsDeath PenaltyGruppe Sechs HeistsHow to start missions:* On the cell phone, choose the last option (MENU)* Choose one of the options listed below and start the desired mission