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The Tower of Babylon ( Age of Mythology scenario)

The Tower of Babylon ( Age of Mythology scenario)

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Developer's DescriptionBy The Vandhaal DesignPlay an interactive eyecandy map game.An Age of Mythology and the Titans expansion Interactive eyecandy map. This custom single-player scenario features a fully voice acted intro and ending cinematic. Nothing but lies have been told around the destruction of the Tower of Babylon. In the game included in this singleplayer Age of Mythology the Titans scenario you mortals will learn the truth about what really happend. You will follow the tale of the Persian boy Mehrak and together you will find his destiny and that of the Persians. The Tower of Baylon scenario features full screen cinematics and one of the largest buildings ever build in the AoM TT world. It also features a custom sound/music system and custom light system.
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