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The Operational Art of War, Vol. I demo

The Operational Art of War, Vol. I demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy TalonSoftRecreate historical battles that occurred between 1939 and 1955.The Operational Art of War, Volume 1 will let you recreate virtually any battle of any war that occurred between 1939 and 1955. The scale of games can range widely; you can play with smaller, individual companies (which include about 120 men), or take whole subdivisions (approximately 40,000 men) into battle. Battlefields can also range from 2.5 miles per hex to 25 miles per hex. The game also offers a huge database of weapons; an "unprecedented political events editor," which allows you to trigger "what if" scenarios; and loads of options for varying the game's complexity. This demo includes only one scenario (Korea 1950-1951) of the 15 included in the full version.
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