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Terrorist Takedown

Terrorist Takedown

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Developer's DescriptionBy Manifesto GamesFight evil terrorists to destroy the threat.Terrorist Takedown is what's called a rail shooter. That means it's a shooting game in which you are basically on rails, with very little freedom of motion, your job to shoot just about everything in sight. There are people who love this sort of game. There are also people who think that, in a world of FPS games and military offshoots like Battlefield 1942 the style is too retro for words. If you like rail shooters, Terrorist Takedown is good, pretty mindless fun. If you do not, it won't be your thing. If you're not sure what a rail shooter is, it's not a bad introduction to the genre, at a pretty nice price. Easy to play, strong out of box experience with a simple, intuitive interface, set amidst the current situation in the Middle East. Enjoy nonstop arcade action with missiles, machine guns, rocket launchers, heavy armoured cars and helicopters. A variety of scenarios in 16 breathtaking missions. Fully realistic sound effects and extremely detailed 3D environments. Version 1.01 works on Vista.
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