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Developer's DescriptionBy Enguised StudiosExplore a big world and find enemy dungeons and bases.Current Status and Features of Tik Tok Tank.1 Explorable over world map:This is the main map that you explore to find Bases and Dungeons. More things to find will be added through free content updates.12 Created Base maps: These are pretty much standard style start - finish type of levels. These are depicted by an elevator like tile with an arrow. We plan on having over 100 of these, which may always change to be a bigger #...Dungeons:These are randomly generated from the loading of each level. The style of these levels are very basic and simple. Destroy the enemy spawners that are scattered through out the level.Enemies:Currently there are only about 10 types. This # will also grow to feature at least 25 different types including water based and air based.Modes:Currently the only modes are the Bases and Dungeons. We are planning on at least 4 new modes.