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Pandemonium 2 3Dfx demo

Pandemonium 2 3Dfx demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy Crystal DynamicsHelp Nikki become Sorceress Supreme and kick Queen Zorrscha's butt.The Comet of Infinite Possibilities has returned to the skies of Lyr, and encased within it is whispered to be a rudimentary force of nature--a source of magic so elemental, so unlimited that to possess this magic would be to wield supreme, infinite, everlasting power. It is this power that the young Sorceress Nikki craves. No longer the young naif, Nikki has grown up, as have her desires and means to achieve them. She's also way too busy to hang out in some drafty library poring over dry, dusty, worm-ridden tomes of magic. Instead, she's decided to cut some corners on her way to becoming the Sorceress Supreme by snatching the comet's legendary powers.
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