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WebCam Viewer  10

WebCam Viewer 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy VenetasoftUse your Windows Phone to connect to a pc webcam over local Wi-Fi, see live video stream and take snapshots of who is sitting down in front of your notebook.Use your Windows Phone to connect to a pc webcam over local Wi-Fi, see live video stream and take snapshots of who is sitting down in front of your notebook. NEW version 1.2: Silverlight 5 pc console. CHECK YOUR ACCESS POINT MANUAL to ensure it fully supports udp multicasting (try before buy). Make sure this protocol is supported and not blocked by your wifi access point/router (most permit by default). Pc console broadcaster is freely downloadable from our site. The app will automatically find and connect to the pc console broadcaster, without any network configuration. Snapshots can be uploaded to SkyDrive, sent via Email or pinned to the start screen.
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