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CSV to JSON Converter  10

CSV to JSON Converter 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy Lacko LuboslavApplication convert data from CSV (Comma-separated values) file to JSON format.Application convert data from CSV (Comma-separated values) file to JSON format. For example Grid, Split and Hub Application templates for Windows 8.1 uses sample data in JSON format. Application use data with comma or semicolon separator. Attributes may or may not be in quotes. Application allows you to save output as. json or. txt file. Tip: You can create a CSV file for example in Excel, save the document in CSV format and convert it to JSON format. You can change character set code pages: windows-1250 Central European windows-1251 Cyrillic windows-1252 Western European windows-1253 Greek windows-1254 Turkish windows-1255 Hebrew windows-1256 Arabic windows-1257 Baltic windows-1258 Vietnamese.
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