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Halloween Heist

Halloween Heist

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Editors' staffJune 15, 2015Though your character makes off with jack-o'-lanterns, Halloween Heist mainly steals your free time. You navigate a pumpkin-headed man through mazes strewn with spikes, spiders, and slime. The moody music and murky graphics create a spooky atmosphere, although sometimes the dark palette keeps you from seeing where you're going. You can absorb three hits in a level before dying, and you get three lives throughout the game. The Options button on the splash screen lets you set music volume, turn sound effects off as a group or individually, and choose window mode over the default full-screen mode. Neither options nor any instructions are available in the game itself, but the arrow-key controls are pretty standard. At the end of a game, you have to hit Return to get to the high-scores table. Though the newsletter pitch on exit didn't bother us, we didn't appreciate the extra desktop icon. Still, Halloween Heist stands pumpkin-head and shoulders over other Halloween downloads.
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