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Gwerdy SuDoku Solver

Gwerdy SuDoku Solver

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Developer's DescriptionBy Gwerdy SoftwareSolve SuDoku puzzles, learn, and improve your skills.SuDoku Solver helps to solve SuDoku puzzles that have been appearing everywhere recently. SuDoku (sometimes known as Su Doku or Number Place) is a logical puzzle in which numbers between 1-9 must be fitted into a 9x9 grid so that each line along with the nine 3x3 internal grids contain one of each of the numbers 1-9. SuDoku Solver can solve SuDoku's fully or just act as a helper, suggesting a single value if you do not want the full solution but just a little help. The solver will also list how it went about solving the puzzle to help you learn to improve your own skills. SuDoku Solver uses only logic based algorithms for solving the puzzles and does not employ trial and error methods (It should solve almost all SuDoku's solvable by logic only).Version 1.01 features for loading the application and a bug fix on shortcut keys.
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