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Developer's DescriptionBy LCB SoftwarePlay individual or couples game of dominos.LCDOMINO is a program to play the dominoes in the modality of couples or individual between 2, 3 or 4 players. You can play on line. You will be able to select the level of game of each one of the players, the limit of points which there are going to be played the game, the direction of the play, the speed of the game or the names of the players. You can use the help that the game tutor offers you, who advises you on the most suitable piece that you can put when it is your shift of play. You have the option to move back and repeat the plays and to change, if you wish it, the development of the game or to consult all the information relating to previous plays. Likewise you can play knowing which are the tiles of other players and to decide what tile they must put in every moment. In the beginning of every hand you have the option to choose what tiles are distributed to every player. You can adapt the regulation of the game to your personal preferences. You have a historical file of games played with information relating to the result of the same ones, including statistical information. In any moment you can file the situation of the current game to be able to recover and reproduce it later.
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