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Matchday Heroes

Matchday Heroes

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Developer's DescriptionBy Lee ReadPlay a football management game with one goal, to become the ultimate football manager.Can you become the ultimate football manager? Matchday Heroes is a football (soccer) management game with one goal - to become the ultimate football manager. Can you discover the players and tactics to win? Score goals, win games, earn huge coin bonuses. Buy, sell and loan football players while increasing your management reputation. Can you build the best football team in the world and conquer the top-flight? Can you win the gold league championship as a football manager? Kick off and enter your own football team names. Add your favorite football player names. Enter a fun fantasy football world and sculpt your own game with a fully included team and player name editor. The chairman will present you with your first football squad. You can then scout the squad, selecting your own goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and attackers. Only then can you begin your epic football manager journey, using your football manager skills to climb out of non league. You start at the bottom playing your soccer matches in the local park. Championship football and the electric atmosphere of a packed out super-stadium is all but a distant dream. It's your job as football manager to loan, buy and sell your way to fame and glory, creating football heroes along the way. Shoot for the top with 6 challenging leagues to climb and 2 cups to conquer. Are you a tactical football management master? Have you got what it takes to reach the pinnacle of football management and dominate the Gold league championship? Are you the Ultimate football manager? Play today and test your football manager skills.
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