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Developer's DescriptionBy Szico StudiosGet a Jedi Academy interactive map.My newest Jedi Academy map. Its main focus during original design was actually a small clan project but eventually it developed into a full-scale highly interactive map. The hidden Jedi enclave of Atlantica, on the planet of Mon Calamari, in the polar ice caps. Contains many interactive features including: doc ock style fusion generator; passcoded council/admin doors; destructable environments; and fix destroyed objects and other items you can pick up. You can collect credits to pay for access to certain areas by either finding them lying around or completing challenges. Virtual reality training for sneaking as a challenge. Elevators with selectable floors. Interactive NPC's that walk around and speak to each other. Lots of cupboards/doors openable by force powers. Lamps can be pulled down, crates can be force utilized. Healing bacta tanks. Keycard system whereby a card must be bought/found to access certain areas. Version 1 includes unspecified updates.
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