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Developer's DescriptionBy Manifesto GamesPlay a cannon game.Spacetanks is a cannon game, something like the Worms series. There's a twist though; you control a tank on one planet, and try to destroy an opposing tank on another planet. Your planet, and his, and others scattered about the screen, have gravity, which affects the path of your shots.You change the elevation of your turret and the power of the shot, fire, and see whether you hit your opponent. Because of the nature of gravity, you sometimes wind up shooting yourself it's possible for the shot to orbit back to you.You start with a certain amount of money, from which you must buy your tank; you earn a salary each battle. If you lose a battle, you've lost your tank, and must buy another one; if you accumulate enough money, you can purchase a better tank (there are some 70 in the game). There are many different ammo types, each with its own effects--you pay for each shot as well. If you like games of this type, well, it's worth a shot. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.