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Developer's DescriptionBy Art PokerModify your poker games with different poker skins, themes, backgrounds, and sound effects.Poker Skins software lets you customize and personalize your poker experience. Choose from a multitude of poker skins, themes, backgrounds, and sound effects to make the most out of your online poker experience. Once installed, the software will automatically detect the installed poker rooms on your computer and will show the available poker skins and themes. The next time you play poker, it will be a totally new experience. The software will automatically detect new poker skins and themes when they are available and will also detect when you install new online poker rooms on your computer. Poker Skins offers new customized poker skins, themes, and backgrounds to the world s leading poker rooms such as PartyPoker, PokerStars, EmpirePoker, ParadisePoker, and FullTiltPoker. ArtPoker.net and Poker Skins are the world s first and only poker site and software that allow you modify and customize poker skins and themes.