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Hall of Hands Studio

Hall of Hands Studio

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Developer's DescriptionBy Hall of HandsReenact your online poker hands to a poker video that you can post on Facebook.The Hall of Hands Studio is an exciting new app that provides fans of online Texas Hold'em poker with the ultimate in bragging rights: automatic re-enactments of your played poker hands to a poker video that you can instantly post on Facebook! With Hall of Hands your poker hands are recreated as a poker video which is your own a poker TV show, with real live actors, running commentary, genuine player reactions, personalization, hole cards cam, and all the trappings of a professional televised poker event. Hall of Hands collects your online poker data while you play in any Zynga poker room, so you'll be ready to create and publish your poker video the moment you've finished a hand. Just choose the hand you want to re-enact and click "publish". Our simple desktop widget is easy to use and installs in seconds.
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