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Fantasy Draft Board Pro - Football Edition

Fantasy Draft Board Pro - Football Edition

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Developer's DescriptionBy REDD5 SoftwarePrepare for the league, form your team, and have your drafts visually represented.Fantasy Draft Board is a tool for fantasy league and team owners that allows you to conduct a live, offline draft, and open/save, print or export the results. It can also be used as a mock draft tool for preparation of your league's draft. Supports up to 20 teams, which can be given custom names, helmets, logos, logo colors, and facemask colors, as well as the ability to manually set draft order or use the built in lottery tool. Supports standard and snake/serpentine draft types. Fantasy Draft Board 2008 (FDB) is also a good tool to mock your draft, and get a feel for when players will be drafted. If your league's draft was recorded with FDB the year before, it can be studied to determine team drafting tendencies, which round certain positions start to be selected, as well as any other info unique to your leagues draft.
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