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World of Warcraft Before the Storm v1.12 to v2.0.1 patch

World of Warcraft Before the Storm v1.12 to v2.0.1 patch

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Developer's DescriptionBy Blizzard EntertainmentAdd a revamped PVP honor system, the new arena system, and more updates to World of Warcraft.This patch includes a revamped PVP honor system, the new arena system, a new looking-for-group system, new talents for each class, and more. It updates World of Warcraft from from version 1.12.0 or 1.12.1 to version 2.0.1.To apply this patch, do the following: 1. Copy the folder named "WoW-1.12.x-to-2.0.1-enU-patch" to your World of Warcraft folder. 2. (Windows) Run Updater.exe from that folder (Mac) Run from thatfolder. This will apply the patch to your current WoW 1.12.0 or 1.12.1 version.
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