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Hattrick Forever

Hattrick Forever

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Editors' staffAugust 27, 2015Hattrick Forever offers a management companion to Hattrick, the popular online game that simulates owning a football team. With a variety of interesting tools, it can make users much better informed managers.Hattrick Forever's interface feels like a seamless addition to the Hattrick game, since this program has the same sleek design and intuitive command buttons. Our only gripe is its total lack of a Help file, which left us to guess and experiment on a few occasions. Once we'd sorted it out, we were able to quickly download our team from the Hattrick Web site. From there, we applied all the program's various tools to get a better understanding of our team. We were able to convert each player's skills from text to numeric values (for example: Disastrous=1, Excellent=10) giving us a better understanding of the overall talent level. This segued well into the function for taking these stats and getting computer recommendations for our team's strongest lineup. In addition, we were able to get advice on arena sizes based on our fan club numbers. It even took into account winning and losing streaks, which impressed us. The program also offered tools for tracking training and monitoring other squads. There were some pretty standard tools for adjusting the layout, connection, and grid, which weren't necessary. Overall, this was a great addition for a Hattrick addict.Hattrick Forever is freeware. It leaves folders behind upon uninstalling.
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