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NightSky demo

NightSky demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy NicalisAmbient puzzle action game revolving around moving spheres in a physics based engine.NightSky is an ambient action-puzzle game that offers a gameplay experience unlike any other--cerebral challenges fill uniquely designed picturesque worlds. Each of these worlds is broken into different areas in which the player must maneuver a sphere by using realistic physics to advance. The original soundtrack by experimental jazz musician, Chris Schlarb will further heighten the surreal experience.GAME FEATURES:* Design direction by Nicklas Nygren* 2D platform/puzzle-based gameplay* Advanced 2D physics model* Progressive scan display support* Multiple difficulties with unique topography* 11 massive levels, each with expansive areas to explore* Multiple "vehicles" each with specific uses and dynamics physics* Additional secrets and unlockables* Original ambient soundtrack by experimental musician, Chris Schlarb
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