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Battlezone II: Combat Commander v1.1 patch

Battlezone II: Combat Commander v1.1 patch

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Developer's DescriptionBy ActivisionUpdate your copy of this game and fix several bugs and issues.The 1.1 Patch for Battlezone 2 is supposed to fix the following issues:Hauler vehicle now hauls reliably Bridge in SCION 5 can be destroyed more easily Multiplayer connections and stability improved Other assorted fixes and corrections Chat With All is now the default option in MP Modem server games should be more reliable Sync join games should launch more reliably Late joins should be more reliable Removed pause on join in deathmatch games Servers can now set a max ping for joining clients Minimized game state sent across network to allow for faster modem joins Removed terrain reload on deathmatch join in order to eliminate major stall Warning to clients on joining a server with a high ping Session list now shows only games of the same version Joystick should now retain calibration Players can now reverse the joystick We've increased the dead spot in the joystick
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