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Rally Racers

Rally Racers

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Editors' staffJuly 15, 2015When we add everything up, this game has too many minuses to be more than a middle-of-the-road choice. You might think of Rally Racers as Pac-Man with cars; you pilot your ride through a maze of roads while trying to capture every flag on the board. However, you must take pains to avoid enemy vehicles and obstacles such as rocks and oil slicks. We didn t find gameplay very fast-paced or exciting, and the rather primitive graphics don t help matters. We also noticed some stability problems when playing. In multiple instances, the informational sidebars that surround the actual race course turned transparent for no reason. In another, our car suddenly slowed down just as we were about to complete a board. To top it all off, this application s feature set is tiny, only allowing you to adjust the volume. Even if you don t encounter the stability problems we did, we still think Rally Racers will have a tough time winning you over.
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