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OpenClonk (64-bit)

OpenClonk (64-bit)

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Developer's DescriptionBy RedWolf DesignPlay a game to control clonks and mining.OpenClonk (64-bit) is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about bustling mining, production lines and economy, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is not just a game but also a versatile 2D game engine that allows the creation of countless new mods.Clonk is a multiplayer-action-tactic-skill game. It is often referred to as a mixture of The Settlers and Worms. In a simple 2D antfarm-style landscape, the player controls his crew of Clonks, small but robust humanoid beings. The game encourages free play but the normal goal is to build a mine and exploit the earth from valuable resources or fight each other on an arena-like map.
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