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Holdem 3D

Holdem 3D

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Developer's DescriptionBy Omaha Think TankPlay 3D Texas Holdem poker game against 7 virtual players.Holdem 3D is a 3-dimensional game simulation of Texas Holdem poker. You play with 7 virtual (computer) players in a limit or no-limit game. It's just a game, and is not connected to any casino or gambling sites, so your real money and internet access remain safe. This game is great for learning, practicing, and playing Texas Holdem without going broke. The virtual players adjust their game based on your playing style and the other players'. It can seem so real, you'll probably end up talking to the virtual players. Omaha Think Tank also provides free software updates via the Web for bug fixes and enhancements. The demo does not expire, but limits you to 10 hands per game, and disables no-limit games. Licensing the game removes these restrictions.
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