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The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II Realism mod

The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II Realism mod

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Developer's DescriptionBy SamuraiRebalance the strategy game to make every race more closely matched.This mod is a complete rebalancing of the game. Nearly every unit and building has undergone some changes. Among many changes, the mod greatly strengthens all walls and buildings by increasing their armor approximately x5 vs. most weapons and approximately x4 vs. siege weapons. It slightly (+10%) increases the non-upgraded armor of most units. It incorporates the Elven Guard mod by Steve Shepherd (AKA Gholin), as well as Troll Buddy's Monster and Banner Regen mod, with his kind permission. Also, the health, damage, and cost of many units were adjusted, always with an eye toward balance and creating or preserving the unit's niche. Every race is now closely matched and viable, though certainly not identical.The latest update makes the mod compatible with the v1.03 patch for the game.
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