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Developer's DescriptionBy ChessPeerPlay chess against your computer, another human player, or online.If you want to play with computer you have to select it in the menu, from Tools - Add Engine...ChessPeer is p2p chess program, compatible with most of the open source chess engines.List of them: 31337 Adam Abrok Alarm (not released yet) Aldebaran Amateur Amundsen Amy Amyan AnMon Ant Arasan Aristarch Armageddon Asterisk Averno Awesome Ax Baby Chess Baron Beaches Belzebub Beowulf Bestia Betsy BigBook BigLion Bionic Impakt Blikskottel BremboCE BSC Cefap Chad's Chess Chess-Rikus ChessterfieldCL ChessThinker Chezzz Cilian ColChess Comet Cpp1 Crafty Crux CyberPagno Damas DChess Deep Trouble Delfi Dragon Duke Embracer EnginMax Esc EXchess Faile Fauce Fimbulwinter Fortress Francesca Freyr Gandalf (commercial) Gargamella Gaviota Gedeone Genesis Gerbil Ghost GNU Chess Golem Green Light Chess GreKo Grizzly Gromit Gullydeckel Hagrid Holmes Horizon Inmichess Jester KACE Kaissa2 KasparovX King of Kings KnightCap - bug fix KnightDreamer La Dame Blanche LadyGambit lambChop LaMoSca LarsenVB Leila List Little Goliath LordKing Madeleine Matheus MFChess Mint Monarch Monik Mooboo Morphy Movei MSCP Muriel (aka KDLChess) Mustang Mystery Nejmet Nero Nimzo (commercial) NoonianChess OliThink Ozwald Patzer (commercial) Pentagon - dead link? Pepito Phalanx - alternate link Pharaon (formerly ZChess) Pierre PolarChess PreChess Pyotr Quark Queen Raffaela RDChess Replicant Requiem Resp Robin RoboKewlper Ruffian Sachy SdBC Siboney Sjeng (also plays several chess variants) Skaki Small Potato (also known as unches) SmarThink SnailChess Soldat SOS SSEChess StAndersen Stan's Chess Storm StrategicDeep Sunsetter (also plays bughouse and crazyhouse) Tamerlane Tao Terra The Crazy Bishop TheLightning Tikov T-Rex Tristram Trynyty TSCP (Tom Kerrigan's Simple Chess Program) Ufim WildCat WJChess Yace YAWCE Zephyr
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