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Developer's DescriptionBy Novel GamesObey Simon's instructions and execute his commands.Perform actions as "Simon says". Your task in this game is to execute the commands starting with "Simon says" within the given time limit. When the game begins, your current pose will be shown at the bottom left corner, and a command will appear in the dialogue box at the upper part of the screen for a few seconds. After the command is removed, a series of actions will scroll from right to left under the dialogue box. If the sentence is starting with "Simon says", you need to click the correct pose as given in the command before the time runs out. If a sentence is not starting with "Simon says", simply hold your current pose and do not perform any action. If the sentence appears as "Simon says stand up sit down", only the command directly following "Simon says" is valid, i.e. you only have to stand up in this case. If multiple commands starting with "Simon says" are given, only the latest command needs to be executed, for example, if "Simon says sit down" and "Simon says stand up" are given, you only have to stand up. When you advance in the game, the speed of the scrolling actions will increase and more complicated commands will be issued, so you need to be careful and see if the directions are really given by Simon or not. If you fail to perform the correct action, the game ends immediately. Are you obedient enough to follow Simon's commands?