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Overlord demo

Overlord demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy CodemastersDecide how evil you're willing to get in this role-playing game that subverts conventions.You are the Overlord. Prepare to feel the seductive and mesmerizing pull of evil as you use your power to do...well, whatever you want. That's power for you. But wouldn't it be much better to be all powerful?Of course it would. Everyone would love you, respect you, or just be plain scared witless of you.The bad news is that there's a lot of hard work getting there. The good news is that you don't have to do it. It's down to the graft of your unquestioningly loyal minions, who'll do exactly what you tell them: they'll pillage, destroy, and even die for you, on your command. Now that's power. It's so tempting to cause a bit of mayhem just for the sheer hell of it. And who's going to stop you?This demo includes a tutorial and portions of the early game.
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