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Asda 2 : Evolution

Asda 2 : Evolution

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Developer's DescriptionBy OnNet USADevelop your character and participate in PvP battles in an anime style 3D MMORPG.Asda2 has a Soul Mate system where two players can become Soul Mates. If one Soul Mate is offline, the player can help to level up his soul mate's character. Experience will be stored for the Soul Mate that is offline. Soul Mates also have access to special skills available only to them. However the soul mate system is still largely unfinished.[2]Characters can also dig for items, similar to mining in many other MMO games. Digging may be carried out anywhere except in towns. All that is required to dig is a shovel, which all characters are provided with from the start. The nature and quality of items obtained by digging varies according to the level of the character.
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