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NET Cards

NET Cards

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Developer's DescriptionBy Atlantida SoftwarePlay any game of cards with others over the Internet.From the developer: "NET Cards is a multiplayer game which allows people to play any game of cards over the Internet. The application itself is not aware of any card game rules. The players must know the rules of the game that they want to play - just like in real life. The players connect to a shared whiteboard where they can see the mouse cursors of all the other connected players. This whiteboard is highly interactive - players can do pretty much everything that can be done with a real deck of cards - move cards around, flip them, shuffle them, deal etc. In addition to cards there are several other highly interactive items such as chips, bills, score sheets and trump selectors that are designed to facilitate game play. These items can be added and removed at any time by any player. NET Cards can be used to play virtually any card game that uses one or more standard decks (52 + 3 cards). Partial decks can also be inserted into the game. To facilitate communication between players NET Cards provides a two way voice channel and a chat. Players with dynamic IP addresses can use the application's e-mail to IP resolution ability to easily connect to one another other."
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