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Sunrise & sunset  10

Sunrise & sunset 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy PojkarSoftApp not only for photographers - let's easily know when is time of sunrise and sunset.App not only for photographers - let's easily know when is time of sunrise and sunset. No papers, no searching on internet. Just simple app, which working offline. Application Sunrise & sunset is for getting sunrise and sunset time on the location when user stay in that moment. Application get actual user position and date and count the sunrise and sunset time for today, tomorrow and day after tomorrow. Application also allow to count sunrise and sunset time for the select day for the actual user position and remember that selected date even if user close it. Sunrise & sunset application even remember the last position, when user use the app. And when he will start it again, app count the sunrise and sunset time for that last know position and show times until it find the actual position.
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