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Crystal Cave

Crystal Cave

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Editors' staffJune 16, 2015In this low-res puzzle game, you have to free crystals by digging around and moving boulders. You have to think before you start moving, because digging the wrong way can mess up the puzzle irrevocably. The Crystal Cave demo offers puzzles from the easy, normal, and hard levels. All the moves are simple, employing only the arrow keys. You can get crushed between rocks and have to start the level over. The game lets you play as a male or female character, although your choice doesn't affect anything but the graphics. You have to launch the program yourself at the end of installation. Default is window mode, but you can choose full-screen mode at the main menu. The music and sound effects are cute, but you can turn them down if you get sick of them. Despite the 48MB memory consumption, the game rarely slows down and doesn't require a high-end machine. Puzzle fans of all ages may find Crystal Cave quite addictive.
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