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Introduction to Bridge (Lessons 1-6)

Introduction to Bridge (Lessons 1-6)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Great Game ProductsLearn to play bridge from scratch.Who is Pat Harrington?Pat is one of the best known and most successful bridge teachers in the United States. She is a columnist for the ACBL's monthly magazine "The Bridge Bulletin" and the winner of the American Bridge Teachers' Association (ABTA) 2007 Book of the Year Award. Pat is also a trained educator who has taught bridge to thousands of people over more than 20 years. She is an ABTA Master Teacher, an ACBL Accredited Teacher, and a Teacher Trainer for the ACBL.Lessons 1-6* Teaches both bidding and play* Paced appropriately for beginners* Lessons 1-3 teach the mechanics, trick taking, and provide the background for bidding* Lessons 4-6 teach opening bids and their responses*Quizzes to reinforce your understanding* Includes 38 carefully crafted instructional deals, and 92 BONUS practice hands* Presented in an easy-to-use, interactive format.
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