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Clive Barker's Undying demo

Clive Barker's Undying demo

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Editors' staffMarch 24, 2016Solid 3D graphics, supernatural effects, and good sound contribute to an immersive environment that makes this first-person shooter a horrific success. Summoned to a haunted estate, you must fight through waves of nasty beasties in a quest to end the Curse of the Undying King. Set in a fantastic world of evil, Undying uses lighting effects and sound to create a powerful atmosphere of horror. As if you were in a scary movie, ghosts suddenly appear behind you in a mirror, and cracks of lightning suddenly light up rooms, often to terrifying effect. Bodiless faces of ectoplasm attack you from the air, and disgusting ghouls rise from the dirt. To confront these unholy combatants, you have two types of attacks at your disposal: physical (shotgun, scythe, hands) and magical (spells of many varieties). The system of switching weapons isn't extremely intuitive, as you must scroll around a circle, but the other controls are conventional for first-person shooters and serve the game well. With a slower pace than many modern first-person shooters, Undying relies heavily on its story and background, and it succeeds for the most part. The level in the demo is extremely dim, so turn up the brightness on your monitor and confront the darkness with eyes wide open.
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