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Tutorial Bridge

Tutorial Bridge

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Editors' staffOctober 12, 2013Bridge is not an easy game, and learning it takes some effort. While Tutorial Bridge will not teach you the game in 15 minutes, it is a great resource for users who are serious about learning and ready to devote some time to understanding how the game works.The program's interface is simple, showing the hands of the four players. Users can play on their own, or have "Charlie" help them. Charlie is an ingenious feature that provides explanations of both his own and other's actions, allowing users to learn by watching, jumping in when they feel comfortable. When users' turns comes around, at any time they can either play themselves or have Charlie do it, which is a nice way to learn. Perhaps most importantly, the program features a very detailed Help file that endeavors to teach users how the game works. There's a lot of jargon in bridge, and if we have any complaint about the Help file, it's that each bridge term is linked to a separate page with a definition. This can be helpful, but it can also lead to users getting lost in the Help file, finding definitions within definitions and not fully understanding any of it. Overall, while we think Tutorial Bridge is a useful tool, we found ourselves wishing for more instruction within the game's interface, leading players step-by-step through each part of the process instead of sending them off the Help file every time Charlie says something they don't understand.Tutorial Bridge has a 10-day trial period. It installs and uninstalls without issues. We recommend this program to all users.
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