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Excel @ Sudoku

Excel @ Sudoku

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Developer's DescriptionBy Ambridge Ventures LimitedCreate and solve Sudoku puzzles in spreadsheet environment.Excel @ Sudoku enables you to create and solve Sudoku puzzles using your favorite spreadsheet environment, Microsoft Excel. You can create thousands of new, randomly-generated puzzles. For each puzzle you generate, you can decide how many blank cells you want in the puzzle. If you are short of time, select fewer blanks; usually this means that the puzzle can be solved more quickly. But the random nature of the puzzles can always generate some surprises. You can also key in a puzzle from a magazine, newspaper, or puzzle book. If you have difficulty completing a puzzle, Excel @ Sudoku will quickly generate the solution for you. If you just need a little help, then you can display hints, either for a single cell, or for all blank cells.
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