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Police Quest: SWAT 2 demo

Police Quest: SWAT 2 demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy Sierra EntertainmentBecome the leader of a police team or a terrorist group.SWAT 2 is a 30-scenario real-time strategy game, which can be played either as SWAT or a terrorist organization. In addition to the scenarios, multiplayer is of course supported, and a multiplayer map editor has been included. The 30 scenarios are divided into 15 scenarios for each side, and each scenario begins with a short animated video. The video is essentially your briefing for the upcoming scenario and gives you an idea of what your team will be facing. Scenarios for SWAT involve everything from riot control to snipers, while the terrorist side sees you starting the riots and ambushing the police. After that you can create your teams that will participate in the scenario. There is a large selection of officers and terrorists to choose from, and, thanks to the multiple means of filtering information, picking the right one is a snap. Finally you equip your teams. The SWAT player has it easier with equipment, thanks to unlimited acquisition, while the terrorist player must make do with a limited stockpile.
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